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Conservation Writing Pro
Conservation Writing Pro
Communicate your conservation message with clarity!

DUNS: 791468296


Contracting Vehicles: SF-182; IDIQ

NAICS CODE | 561410 | Document Preparation Services


 Core Competencies     

Michelle Baker, PhD, the Conservation Writing Pro, provides technical editing services to help environmental scientists communicate their regulatory positions with greater clarity. She is the author of Writing in the Environmental Sciences: A Seven-Step Guide (Cambridge UP, 2017).

·PhD in English Language & Literature from the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, including coursework in rhetoric, argument style & structure, voice, and composition pedagogy

·10+ years college teaching experience

·15+ federal writing training experience

·Guidance development for Species Status Assessment (SSA) Reports and Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs)

·Review and teaching experience of style manuals including Council of Science Editors, Government Publications Office, and plain language

Past Performance

·       Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council.** 2020. History of Billfish Management under the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council. Monograph Series. Edited for coherence and clarity. Sylvia Spalding,

·       WILD Foundation.**2016.The State of Conservation in North America. Report drafted by Canadian, Mexican, and American environmental regulatory agencies. Edited for consistency and clarity. Contact: Adam Hanson,

·      American Journal Experts.** Feb 2016 to present. Editor of 1200+ scientific journal articles primarily in the areas of environmental studies, ecology, management, and educational theory.

·        USFWS. 2017. Species Status Assessment Report for the Tinian Monarch. (Monarcha takatsukasae). Early stage editing to improve organization, ensure compliance with the requirements of a new document type, and streamline the narrative. Heather Bell,

·         DOI. National Conservation Training Center. 2011. Slide Deck, Compatibility Determinations. PPT training designed by 50 SMEs. Edited for consistency. Shayna Carney,

·          ———. 2010.Critical Writing and Critical Thinking Course Notebook. Edited course modules for consistency. Created glossary. Linda Lufkin,

**indicates commercial experience


·PhD in English Language and Literature

·Teaching experience in telling your story, argument logic, document structure and giving feedback

·Deep regulatory knowledge with, i.e., ESA, Magnuson–Stevens Act, MBTA, NEPA, etc.

·Experience teaching and reviewing or developing guidance for agency document types, including

Annual Reports

 Environmental Impact Statements

 Policy and Guidance

 Best Management Practices

 Federal Register Notices

 Recovery Plans

 Briefing Papers

Grant Proposals

 Section 7 Consultation Documents

 Biological Opinions

 Habitat Conservation Plans

 SSA Reports

 Compatibility Determinations

 Law Enforcement Reports

 Technical Reports

 Environmental Assessments

 NEPA Documents

 White Papers